See Joshua 24:23 and the Radak on Joshua 24:33. According to the Radak we know that a husband inherits his wife from the verse which states that Pinchas buried his father in his plot, the problem with that is that Pinchas was a cohen/levi (as far the laws of the receiving the land he was… Continue reading Husband inherits from wife?
Angels in ancient Judaism
Mainstream current orthodox theology in Judaism dictates that angels and humans can never cohabit as angels are non physical manifestations of the will of God who do not have free choice to decide anything, never mind being able to physically cohabit with humans. Besides for current theology that cohabiting is due to our bad desires… Continue reading Angels in ancient Judaism
Purpose of Creation
God being the ultimate good, wanted to give. God is also the ultimate truth. The definition of good is giving. Justice by definition is truth. As the only being in existence He needed to create a semblance of a separate being so that He can give to. He therefore created a void in Himself in… Continue reading Purpose of Creation
Do we need to prove that the Torah is true?
In a recent speech given by Rabbi Manis Freedman, he states that the fact that our mother tells us that the Torah is true should be enough. I find this difficult to comprehend, as the majority of the world have beliefs that differ from the Jewish belief and if we use his theory of proof… Continue reading Do we need to prove that the Torah is true?
Parshas Mishpatim
Rashi in the beginning of the sedra states that the extra vav in the beginning of the parsha is coming to teach us that just as the previous parsha was said at Sinai so too this parsha was said at Sinai. This is very difficult to understand what the practical lesson is as common Jewish… Continue reading Parshas Mishpatim
Vegan World
According to Genesis 1:30 when God created the world He commanded to Adam and to the animals to be vegans. Only 1600 years later after the flood did God tell Noach that he would now rule over the animals to the extant that he could eat them too. What is fascinating according to this is… Continue reading Vegan World
Does God know the future
Does God know what the future holds, from looking back through Jewish Books, it is not clear when and how current dogma came to be mainstream thought.
Origins of the festival of Chanukah
Jewish timeline
Does God exists?
My dilemma as to whether God exists is as follows: